Obscurité dans la lumière: L'Époux et  autres œuvres. Compositeur: John Tavener. Choristes : Anonymous 4 (Ruth Cunningham, Marsha Genensky, Susan Hellauer et Johanna Rose). Musiciens: Le Chilingiriartet (Levon Chilingirian, Stephen Orton, Ronald Birks, et Susie Meszaros). Harmonia Mundi (2009)

[0:00] Vespers hymn: O lux beata trinitas
[2:17] Jube domine/Lection: In principio erat verbum
[6:39] Come and do Your will in me (arr. Tavener, 1997, fr. Hymn of Entry and Orthodox Liturgy)
[14:46] Compline hymn: Christe qui lux es et dies
[17:45] Lectio Ysaye prophete/Lection: Surge illuminare Jerusalem
[20:16] As one who has slept (Tavener, 1996)
[25:15] Nocturn hymn: Medie noctis tempus est
[28:11] Lection: Vidi civitatem
[33:22] The Lord's Prayer 
[37:20] The Bridegroom (Tavener, 1999)
[55:00] Hymn for the New Light: Inventor rutili
